Hungarian-Americans Support Macedonia’s NATO Membership

On Friday, November 12, 2010, the Hungarian American Coalition (HAC), the voice of 1.5 million Hungarian-Americans, sent a letter to President Obama calling for his clear support of Macedonia’s NATO membership.  “Macedonia has by all standards been ready to join the Alliance, were it not for the unfortunate name-issue we all are too familiar with, which is an issue that should not impact its membership into NATO,” stated HAC President Maximilian N. Teleki in the HAC letter to President Obama.

UMD extends its sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the Hungarian American Coalition for their strong support of Macedonia.   The Hungarian-American and Macedonian-American communities, through HAC and UMD, are working closely together to strengthen U.S. relations with Central and Southeast Europe, and ensure the peace, security, and stability of the entire region.

Click here to read HAC’s letter to President Obama:

Previous UMD Launches Western Australian Operations and Appoints Dame Krcoski as Regional Representative


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